For the last 40 years, the strategy on the Spanish energy mix has been changing continuously, having more interest in the short-term impact than a longer-term vision. Due to the lack of local resources, Spain has always been dependent on oil imports, although all energy plans were focused on reducing its oil dependency. The ways to achieve this objective have varied continuously and nowadays imports of primary energy represent 70% of total. The main issues regarding energy in Spain are:
- Economic crisis in 2008, halting the development of many renewable or alternative sources of energy
- Deficit of tariff in the electric sector
- Highly Oil dependence (no national production)
- Unstable legislation
Main Objectives
- Balance energy system costs and revenues (cut the debt)
- Reduce imports and energy dependence
- Accomplish EU targets for Spain: Reduce the primary energy consumption down to 119.9 Mtoe by 2020 (22.5% less compared to 2007); Reduce the final energy consumption by 2020, a total of 80,139 kToes (18.6% less compared to 2007); Reduce primary energy by 571 kToes/year until 2020.
- By 2020 have a RES share in Electricity (39%), Heating and cooling (17.%) and Transportation (11.3%); for a total of 20.8% of the primary energy consumption
Main Problems
- Economic crisis in 2008
- Deficit of tariff in the electric sector
- Highly Oil dependence (no national production)
- Unstable legislation
- Powerful actors (large utilities) influence the government
- No long term strategy defined (2030-2050)
Targets & Roadmaps
- National Energy Efficiency Action Plan NEEAP 2014-2020
- Renewable Energy Plan PER 2011-2020
- No strategic plans or documents after 2020
Main Discourses at Public level
- Government states that economic situation doesn’t allow new investments or subsidies to foster renewables as it was before.
- The institutional discourse is focused on the reduction on energy consumption
- Some retired politics are now advisors on large energy companies, fact that make to suspect that some laws were directed to favour companies interests; having negative economic repercussion to the end user
- Discourses on energy efficiency to reduce consumption and energy costs
Main Events as drivers
- The EU Directives are the guidelines that the countries have to or should follow
- The Imbalance of the Energy system (deficit of tariff) together with the Economic situation, cut the subsidies and the fostering
- A reduction of energy consumption due to the economic recession, had the consequence on having an excess of power capacity installed
- Legislation changes, from a favourable position to foster RES to a current non attractive laws; had an impact to the investments and power installed
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